SOR-008: The Generations II

SOR-008: The Generations II

Part 2: Christa Pitcairn-Smith teaches on the differences of the generations and how God uses and honors what each generation brings. Originally broadcast for radio on 9/25/14.

0:00-2:00 Introduction Mark Grote
2:00 – GI Generation review by Christa Pitcairn Smith. The greatest ever.
3:45 – The silent generation 1925-1942. Confused morally. Early married.
5:40 – Baby Boomer generation – associated with civil rights movement. Experimental, distrust of government. Christa declares a new identity over them.
8:30 – Generation X – 1961-1981 – Cold war and fall of the Berlin Wall. Oil Crisis and Black Friday crisis. Generation of video games and home computer. Represents a more diverse generation. Often the children of divorce, change is the rule not the exception. Christa declares that Gen-X is now Generation Extreme. Pioneers. All or nothing generation.
12:00 Millennials – Generation Y.  Not wanting to be associated with GenX. Grew up with more protections. Increase narcissism. Spurring the rapid growth of non-denominational churches. They are the Why Not Generation. Why not me. Why can’t we?  If Jesus said, then so be it. They believe they can do more.

16:45 God is calling forth a trans-generational movement.
17:30 We are Joel 2 church. Sanctification is coming and God will pour out my spirit.”
19:00 Invitation to the altar.
20:00 There is a discerning gift on Generation X.
21:00 Closing

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