29 Jul A White Horse
My name is Christy Mawet and I am part of the Sought Out team. The Lord has been teaching me for many years in the prophetic and intercessor giftings.
The Lord told me to paint a white horse. I have seen this white warhorse for the past seven years, I knew that he was ‘my warhorse’ that the Lord was teaching me to ride during prophetic intercessory warfare (a school in itself!). I had seen in the grocery store three years ago a small card with a watercolor of a white horse. I remember declaring: “Look Lord, it’s my white warhorse!” He proceeded to tell me that I would be painting a white horse in the future. I somewhat dismissed that (yeah, I know…) because I hadn’t painted in 15 years and didn’t have any paint supplies left. But… I started painting with acrylics in Sonrise Christian Center’s prophetic art classes the last couple of years.
The scripture He gave me as I started to paint this white horse was:
Job. 39:19-25 Amp
Have you given the horse his might? Have you clothed his neck with quivering and a shaking mane?
Was it you who made him to leap like a locust? The majesty of his (snorting) nostrils is terrible.
He paused in the valley and exults in his strength: he goes out to meet the weapons (of armed men).
He mocks at fear and is not dismayed or terrified: neither does he turn back (in battle) from the sword. The quiver rattles upon him as do the glittering spear and the lance (of his rider).
(He seems in running to) devour the ground with fierceness and rage: neither can he stand still at the sound of the (war) trumpet.
As often as the trumpet sounds he says: Ha, ha! And he smells the battle from afar, and hears the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.
This was an easy picture to paint (fun fellowship between me and my Lord), but I still thought this was my own personal intercessory warhorse. I thought God would continue to teach me how to prophetically ‘ride in the spirit’ during warfare (or so to speak/something like that).
At a conference with Jake Hamilton and Todd White, I clearly saw a picture in the middle of worship. The Spirit kept telling me that this was a prophetic sound for the area–this was the sound for the Pacific NW! There was an annointed drumming cadence that was a prophecy for the area. I don’t know if the drumming has to do with heritage (Indian?) or what, but it seems to go deep into the ground/land. I have heard the drum cadence several times over the last year and it resonated as a sound for this area! As we worshipped, the picture I saw was a whole army of horses and horsemen riding in the atmosphere above the extended hands of worshippers toward heaven. In the front, the leader of this heavenly cavalry, somewhat in formation, was the white horse with his horseman. They all had their swords drawn as if riding into battle. The horses in the back were covered with a blue dust cloud that was kicked up (possibly a glory cloud?). I came home from church and quickly sketched this out–I would love to paint this!
I knew this picture was about a new thing God was doing in the Pacific NW, but at this point I was starting to wonder if the scripture in Job and the painting of the horse was not just for me, but more of a corporate word.
Someone handed me Chuck Pierce’s newsletter about “Leap Forward! An Army Arising!”
“I have a new way. I have a new horse for you to ride. It is not the horse of the flesh, but the ruling white horse of My Spirit. Get ready to mount up, for I have an army that is not confused. I have an army that I am mobilizing.“
He also listed a wonderful prophetic song about beautiful horses in battle. I believe this is a word for us.
I am just finding out how God can operate prophetically through visual arts and individual musical instruments. How amazing! We have a good God!
The first time I saw the White Warhorse
I have always loved and enjoyed being involved in prophetic intercessory groups. I have been involved in smaller groups (usually 5-6 women) and occasionally attend larger prayer groups at the church (15-20 people). The largest intercessory group I attended was around 500 folks praying and standing in the gap for the Seattle area and the nation.
The first time I saw a white warhorse was a ‘picture’ (vision, dream – but I wasn’t asleep) was around seven years ago. I had just been involved in a larger group that was experiencing warfare intercession.
I saw myself on a white horse, which I knew was ‘my warhorse’ who would take me into battle. I knew I was in a battle and I perceived the direction of the enemy: just over this large hill in front of me. I was dressed and prepared for battle with my helmet, breastplate and sword. And I was excited! I knew this was God’s battle! I took off, full speed ahead, on my gallant white warhorse with my sword drawn. We galloped up the hill toward the enemy and as I came over and down the other side I was met with tanks, machine guns, bazookas and jeeps. I awoke as my beautiful horse and I were being fired upon.
O.K.!! LORD!! “What was that all about?” I exclaimed.
The Lord replied: “My daughter, you must wait for me. You must wait for my timing. If you wait for me I will give you the strategy, timing and even what kind of battle this is. Do not enter into presumption. Just because you ‘see’ or ‘know’ (using giftings), you are in warfare or even where the enemy is (where he’s camped), do not move ahead without my orders. Wait for me. I am assembling my army. We are an army! I am the Captain (General).”
Thank you, Lord!
I have always believed that in the spirit realm there is a large gate or portal that goes through the Seattle area (something about being a port city) that is an entrance place of ‘influences’, good and bad, into the United States. Many of these influences come from the North and from China. Recently, I have noticed a lot of movement; a shaking and a shifting in the atmosphere. I believe that God is mobilizing a spiritual army in this area. Our prayer has built a foundation and has made us a lightning rod in this process. Chuck Pierce’s “Leap Forward, an Army Arising” I believe is a word for us.
Proverbs 21:31 Amp
The horse is prepared for the day of battle; but deliverance and victory are of the Lord.
LEAP FORWARD! AN ARMY ARISING! Stress is Being Removed-Praise will Lead you Forth!
– By Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, and Keith Pierce
We are in a season of warfare. Remember, in this week of warfare we are giving thanks three times each day (morning, noon and night) so that Lord Sabaoth can release the Hosts of Heaven to war on our behalf. Allow praise to prepare your new pathway! The prophetic word that came forward on Sunday morning was:
“I have a new way for you to leap over that which has been in front of you, a new way for you to go over and into that next phase that I have called you into. I have a new way. I have a new horse for you to ride. It is not the horse of the flesh but the ruling white horse of My Spirit. Get ready to mount up, for I have an army that is not confused. I have an army that I am mobilizing. I have a team of warriors that will now win the war! I am releasing royal horses of war, royal horses that have been prepared for the day of battle. They are made of My invisible, invincible power which is holiness. If you will mount up on My royal war horses you will move with power and distinction. You will be audacious in the victories you will win as I blow My wind over you.
“Today is a day that I am opening the heavens in a new way to heal and prepare My people for war, that they may arise and come on the power of My horse that I sent. I have come this day to heal the adrenal glands in this body. I have come this day to balance out the chemicals inside the thyroid. I have come this day to remove the panic that has laid and embraced in the soul because I am releasing from an oppressing connection and I am tying it to My Spirit this hour. I am REMOVING STRESS that would weaken you as you go forth for Me in days ahead.
“Praise Me seven days to be released from the anxiety and stress that have held you captive! Seven days of praise this week – morning, noon and night. Seven days of praise! For I am shifting you and setting your boat upright. These next seven days I am going to give you revelation over blood flow and strokes. I am going to heal how you got bruised in last season. I am going to remove reproaches off of you that have been hanging on to you. I’m going to do a new thing in you.
“Submit and go the right way. Don’t lean on your own understanding. Walk with Me through and I will stand, protect you and justify the route I have asked you to take.”
Prophetic Song by John Dickson, LeAnn Squier, Michelle Hadley, Josh Black, Shara Collins, and James Vincent:
I’m mounting up now.
I’m ready to ride.
Beautiful, invisible, invincible, glorious, audacious,
What a beautiful horse in war.
How beautiful are these horses in battle.
How glorious the army of the Lord.
We are unquenchable, indestructible, full of the voice of God.
You are glorious, so beautiful.
Your splendor fills the place.
Magnificent in Your beauty
Magnificent in Your glory
Magnificent in Your holy place
Lord of Hosts,
You are victorious.
You are a conqueror.
You’ve taken me off the mountain.
You’ve shown me the land.
You’ve sent swift horses.
I said, “Here I am.”
So make ready, make ready, it’s time to war.
So make ready, make ready, it’s time to roar.
Do you know who your deliverer really is?
Do you know who sits on the throne?
Do you know who rolled that stone away?
Do you really know?
Do you know who defeated death?
Do you know who holds the stars in His hand?
cyndi stevenson
Posted at 09:08h, 16 Maythank you for this, i live on the border of granite falls and arlington and am so very blessed and stoked by your vision and stand in agreement and urgent expectation. blessings to you as you march on in the Power and Purpose of our King Jesus! <3
cyndi stevenson