15 Oct A Call to Prayer: 4th Quarter Aligning – Word by Herb Marks
I believe the Lord is inviting us into a period of prayer lasting until the end of this year, 2012. It is a sobering and exciting call to prayer. As we answer this assignment, there will be help sent from God that will accompany our times of prayer. God will increase the effectiveness of our prayer as if by placing a megaphone on our mouths. I observed by open vision a megaphone being placed upon the lips of praying people, I believe God is listening intently, our voices magnified to fulfill His call to prayer for His church and America’s destiny. With this call to prayer there will be an acceleration of answered prayer. Ask what you will and it will be done.
There are two steps for us to consider. 1.) Our Posture: Purity! Our preparation for the assignment of prayer. 2.) Calling: Pray! Engaging the three areas of focus.
1.) Our Posture: Purity!
This portion of the word came with force. We must be clear in our affections for our Savior.
There came a clear concern in God’s heart that He find faithfulness in the church at large. Therefore it is our privilege to audit ourselves before the Lord.
We are to guard our affections in the following three areas as presented by this word:
– Possessions. That we own our stuff, rather than our stuff owning us. At any time we are emotionally free to give away what we have. Our hearts are easily led by Jesus rather than by what we possess. Are we possessed or do we possess? (As in the case with the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18-23.)
– Pleasure. God has made us for pleasure. Be sure He is your pleasure instead of pleasure seeking. One way to examine your heart is to consider this, what you think about most is what pleases you most. If it is not Jesus then it is called idolatry.
– Positioning. Do not seek mans approval. Don’t volley for position. Ministry is expressing all that God has wired you to become, not a ministry position (Isaiah 50:11).
Caution: Responding to the call to pray without taking seriously our privilege and responsibility of the three above heart audits could harm us in the long run. We need to understand we should not access His power without first asking the Holy Spirit to work purity in our lives. This is not about works, rather a heart that gives our kind Heavenly Father access to remove areas of concern and compromise. This too was emphasized during the prophecy/dream.
Calling: Pray!
There are three areas of focus within this 4th quarter call to prayer. They are:
1. Holiness within the church. Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-5).
2. His bride lovingly, with humility, being uncompromising regarding purity and power her visibility to the world. Do everything without grumbling or arguing,so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life (Philippians 2:14-16).
3. Crying out for America’s destiny. Pray for her conscience and to turn back to God, which includes the elections. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The call to prayer during this final quarter of 2012 is for the sake of the church at large being pure in her affectionate passion with God. Wisely, lovingly with humility reaching for a nation waking from its slumber.
Outpouring: God’s Love Surprises! A Shift in perception
During this time of prayer, His touch will visit for healing, deliverance, freedom, etc. For example, you will come to church one way and leave different. Some of you will say “I think different, I feel different, I talk different, I want different. I even walk different, I love different, I expect different, I work different, I spend money different. I love my spouse different.”
God is aligning your thoughts and perceptions to the culture of heaven. He is at work changing your views by His invading presence. God’s love will surprises you while you worship or listen to the Word preached. It will happen when you least expect it. Driving your car, cooking in the kitchen or while at work. Something will be different. God’s ‘love surprise’ will make things different, for the better in your life.
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