08 Mar “And when they had broken through…”
I’d read the story many times. It was so familiar. Jesus is teaching and a paraplegic is brought to Him by his friends. Unable to get through the crowd squeezing in the house, they determine to take their friend up to the roof, break through the tiles, and lower him before Jesus to be healed. (Mark 2:1-12)
One particular morning, as Holy Spirit likes to do, my heart was suddenly gripped by the phrase…
And when they had broken through…
Here were four men, desperate to see their friend healed by the One they had heard about. They were willing to do anything – including destroying private property! The King James Version states that they uncovered the roof. But in the original language, they “unroofed the roof,” digging through and gouging out the mortar, tar, ashes, sand, and tiles that made up the typical roof in those days. No easy task, for sure. But they were determined.
After opening the roof, they then had to lower their friend, probably by attaching ropes to each corner of his “bed.” Think about it: trying to maneuver a dead weight down through a hole in the roof, careful not to tip the stretcher, lest he fall into the midst of the crowd below. No easy task. But they were determined.
I marveled at the faith and intentionality of these men. Their great love and compassion for their friend compelled them to not only break through the roof, but also risk the anger of the crowd down below. What a distraction and a disturbance that must have been!
Nonetheless, they “broke through,” setting the stage for a life-transforming miracle for their friend.
I pondered how determined I am to see friends and loved ones break through to the miracle of forgiveness and healing Jesus has for them.
I pondered, too, what “roof” needs to be broken through in order to experience His presence and miracles in a greater way.
Are there mindsets that hold us back?
Wrong teaching?
What about areas of sin that we need to break through?
Disappointments, trauma, wounding, hurts…all of these experiences can be the “roof” we need to break through.
Are there places where we have knowingly or unknowingly made agreements with the enemy that keep us paralyzed in our faith?
God’s good intention towards us is that we would live in fullness, not limitation. Jesus has already made a way for us to live in His abundant love, forgiveness, healing, wholeness, and provision. Why not purpose to take the roof off whatever is keeping you from fully experiencing His goodness toward you? Maybe you need to get a few caring, determined friends to help you “break through.” It will be well worth it!
Linda Will
Posted at 13:51h, 10 MarchThat is so powerful. I never looked at like that. Thanks for sharing!!
Posted at 21:10h, 10 MarchNot only were they determined, but they also had great faith in Jesus. What if they had only heard that the Nazarene healed people. I love this story. Desperation and Commitment. Thanks for this Diane. Hope I will love my friends with such devotion.
Posted at 14:54h, 19 MarchMe too, Theresa!