26 Sep Bring On The Kingdom!
Grandma passed away this month. She graduated to heaven at the wonderful age of 100. This is miraculous stuff. She is seeing His face and has now walked numerous times into the arms of the one called Righteous and True. I bet she touched the city gates made of pearl. The Magnificent One seated on the crystal throne has used her name. Don’t forget her mansion, streets of gold, colors never seen, pain, tension and strife–gone! Her loved ones were there too. Family members long not seen. What a reunion! What a homecoming! Now it all makes sense. This is what Jesus has been saying all along. Grandma is receiving her inheritance, it’s more amazing than words can describe. I can see her jumping up and down clapping her hands with glee.
In the midst of one heavenly reunion, there was another miracle brewing. Bethany noticed that grandma’s caretaker seemed to be in pain. Her hips hurt so bad she couldn’t walk in a straight line. She said her coffee would spill out of her cup if she tried to walk. This kind caretaker helped grandma day and night. Lifting and moving her, had left grandmas caretaker in a lot of pain. Imagine grandma in heaven, leaning up to Jesus and asking Him to heal her. After all, her daughter, who was her caretaker, had done so much for her over the last several years. Bethany asked if she would welcome prayer. An immediate answer was yes. As she sat in a chair I lifted up her feet and noticed one leg was shorter than the other. The one leg grew out to meet the other and the pain in her hips left in the same moment. She now walks a straight line without spilling her coffee! She is ecstatic! Now it is three weeks later and her doctor has confirmed the healing.
This is the same miraculous stuff. What is in heaven touched earth. Grandma was transported to her new body where she walks the streets of heaven that are closer than you think. So close that when we prayed for her caregiver here on earth the Kingdom where grandma is touched her.
If Hebrews 13:8 claims “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever” would that include now? If now, then that is The City touching earth because Jesus is seated at the right arm of His father in Heaven, the great City of God. On earth as it is in Heaven? Of course. If you are a citizen of that Great City, miracles are available. So go get some. Share it with others! Scripture says the Kingdom of God has come to you when you pray for people. The flip side of the coin is the sobering verse Luke 17:20, which explains that the Kingdom of God will not come to you if you casually observe. Which are you? The simplest thing to do is pray and obey. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest! Bring on the Kingdom!
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