06 Sep Life, Order & Angels
I witnessed what appeared to be angelic activity touching down on numerous people during worship service this morning. The manifestation for some came as a movement of air or a momentary breeze across their face. I asked those who experienced this phenomenon to meet me in the back of the auditorium.
As people came, several were noticeably shook up by the experience, probably a first time experience for them. The precious Holy Spirit gently met the people who came. One man succumbed by the Holy Spirit became increasingly weak. As he leaned against the wall, he labored for breath as tears streamed down his joy lit face. Several could not remain standing as the Lord healed and blessed them. Another let out a short shriek as an adversarial hold lost its grip.
Why does God do this? Many reasons could be shared, but the main reason is simply because He loves us. God is good, so very good. A touch of His kingdom came visiting in an uncommon way. The culture of the Great City of God became a manifest presence in our midst for a moment. Being we are citizens of the Great City, perhaps it is not a bad thing we become more accustomed to the City of our destiny… and what about angles? Hebrews 1 tells us they are ministering spirits sent from God to us. The breeze or movement of air? Air movement can be symbolic of the Holy Spirit present in power like it was in Genesis 1&2, Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 12 or angels in Hebrews 1:7.
When the Holy Spirit is moving, He is bringing life and order. The Hebrew word “Ruach” means, that which gives life and order. Life found only in Jesus, order by the Holy Spirit. This is the government of God and His kingdom. We need both–life and order. They are packaged and sent to us in many ways. This morning as we worshiped, one of the ways God sent His love was preluded with angels. Why? Because God is good, so very good.
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