27 Dec What is the Lord saying about 2024?
Make Prayer a Priority
A higher view will ensue the people that pray. From up there, your perspective will become clearer. Few people will have the council that only comes from being in the presence of God Himself, which every one of us must have. It is vital for us to hear the heart of God and hear what He is saying. We must experience what words won’t release to us. It’s in moments with Him that change everything.
We must have Him as we go into 2024. There will be moments when you awaken in the night and you think to yourself, “good grief, it’s 4:00am, I’m so tired” and then comes this sense of “Get up and pray.” Don’t pull out your laundry list, leave it in your drawer. Get before the Lord–ask of the Lord and then wait. The only way that I know how to do it when I’m exhausted is to stay standing while praying in the Spirit. If I sit down I will fall asleep. While we’re praying in the Spirit, He’s pulling on us, like a rope that you follow when you can’t see and all you know is that if you keep your hand on the rope, it will take you to the other side. There is this kind of tension that comes as you take time praying in the Spirit.
The things in you that resists praying, is no friend of yours. Notice the things that will rise up to get you to stop. Sometimes it is just short attention spans. The discipline of continuing in prayer is so necessary because your intellect is being moved off center chair and it needs to give way for the Spirit to sit down into center chair. It’s in praying in the Spirit that He becomes the center. It takes awhile for Him to get there because you have to vacant so that you can put Him where He belongs. Good decision making comes out of wisdom, but wisdom only comes if we take time in the presence of the One who is wise.
What’s coming for us, I believe, is very precious in the sight of God and He will awaken His people in the night. There’s something that God is preparing America for. He’s going to use His church. He’s going to cause us to awaken to a new purpose and learning how to listen and learning how to pray is vital in this next season. Please don’t grade yourself on how well that you do, He is so moved by the fact that you threw off the covers and spent time in His presence.
1 Samuel 14:7
“Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
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