24 May Why Not Me?
We pray for miracles. We believe in miracles. But we ask, “Why don’t miracles happen to me?”
Don’t you find that it is easier to believe for someone else rather than for yourself? I think everything is on the line with God if He doesn’t respond with what I’m asking for. It’s about knowing God in the path seldom taken.
I was not able to get pregnant, but almost every person I pray for who desires to get pregnant, gets pregnant. I have learned to ask God, “Is this someone I can pray with You and contend for so that she can get pregnant?” And then I trust Him with whatever the answer may be: yes or no. I trust God and His timing. He has eternity in mind for everything that comes our way. So isn’t it interesting that I had the very same confidence in God when believing about my own babies, but didn’t carry to term? It is that very same faith in God’s best that somehow changes things in other women’s lives; by talking with and believing in God and His character. I have stories of women with miscarriages that had their first child, ladies who had never gotten pregnant with that smile on their faces, now pregnant. I always celebrate with them, sometimes, with tears afterwards.
So, what is it about God!? Will we ever understand why He does what He does?
We all love the stories we hear. Ok, sometimes we wonder, “Could that really have happened? I wish I was there to be sure.” But those amazing stories! A family whose car should have been hit, but the other car went right thru theirs—a miracle! No other explanation. “Why not me, GOD? I want to be sure of You!”
I remember an incredible movie I saw just the last few minutes of. It was about the Holocaust. A group of men were sitting in the barracks and doing the Jewish debate about God. “Does He hear us?” “Does He care?“ “He can’t! Look around us.” There were men taking all sides in a seriously dark place where pressure is so strong no one can avoid the wrestle. “I no longer believe He exists.” says one man. “We have to trust His character when nothing makes sense!” another contends. “Life is life, then it is over” was a response. Right then the guards came in and the men started lining up to leave for the gas chamber. But then they all began praying together in Hebrew, in the middle no answers–there was God.
I may not know “why” until I look into His eyes, face to face, cheek to cheek. Then His love will eradicate every doubt I ever had. Oh, but the journey! I have learned to trust Him no matter what I think. “His character!” in spite of all the evidence blowing whirlpools into my vision. The here and now can consume you, but we must look from an eternal perspective. Cling to Him in the wind! His character, nothing less! Ask for miracles. When that very first one comes your way, you will have already been changed—forever . God is always the same. He is for us and not against us. HE IS AMAZING—BEYOND WORDS! Run! Run to Him even when you cannot answer the why’s.
– Bethany Marks
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