SOR-025 When Storms Come

SOR-025 When Storms Come

Herb Marks, George Watkin and Bethany Marks discuss when storms come to our lives and how we prepare and respond to God during such times.

Welcome to sought out radio. I’m your Host Mark Grote and I’m joined by Sought Out Ministry Leaders, Pastor Herb and Bethany Marks and Pastor George Watkins. Hello everybody welcome back to the podcast and it’s good to have you with us as well the listener most of all as we hopefully bring you more information about our walk with God and just our interaction with the Holy Spirit and how are daily walk with him involves relationship intimacy and interaction in a way that we can hear obey and respond to God in a very dynamic and loving lifestyle with the father so that welcome her to have you back on the podcast but obviously this has been a tumultuous time but I hope all of you are are healthy and well and so as we talked in our production meeting yesterday we discussed the idea of what we wanted to cover for a topic on this podcast today and so today we wanted to type take you through a situation of when we’re under the stress of life and when things are coming at us it could be happening personally could be happening in a broad context like what’s happening with the covet 19 or I think the cultural racial crisis is happening in America and all around the world today these things add anxiety to our life in addition to things that you might just have going on regularly in life like losing a job or or a family member or or just being under the pressure of something in relationships that type of thing marriages these things can pile up on the back of the believer and and I think there’s a a time when we have an opportunity to respond to the Lord in each of those situations but there’s also an opportunity before those things happen to prepare us and so we were talking about this yesterday and you talked about something that you wanted to share kind of up front in this conversation about a vision that you had and how it might be an opportunity for us as a as a body of believers to look at that situation and gives us the opportunity to prepare for what we’re walking into right future do you want to share that with our listeners it’s an experience that I had at work and it was Christmas time recently is and and I’ll send the music cuz I had on some Christmas music on my cell phone and Olsen it stopped I looked down and the battery to my cell phone had died and and I thought huh and I looked at the time stamp on the computer it was 3:33 and at that moment was taken into a pictorial or a visual in the in the spirit and I saw a black clouds off over the Pacific and they there were gathering and forming and beginning to tumble in our direction and the sense for the essence of that vision that I saw was that it was going to be difficult times for America and also for believers and we don’t know the time or or when this could come to our country however it’s certainly been interesting the the turmoil that our nation has been in and these last especially couple of years and this last year especially and as that was coming my response to watching this was heavenly father how do we prepare ourselves for this and the answer that came back quickly and I know we’re not in an audible word but just to my nowhere by nowhere just knows because God speaks to us the inner person and that’s the more common way that he speaks to people he speaks many ways but this is one of the more common ways and this is how I believe or can have a conversation with their heavenly father throughout the day if you’re writing the bus or if you’re shopping you know just because all the while I’ll be dialoguing with him at times and down to my nowhere I’ll get his response so that’s available for office came he said you don’t remember I asked the question father how do we get ready for this and he said you don’t and at that moment I was drawn back by the answer and yet I leaned into him as well because I wanted to know what does work for this thing and he said just stay close and he does he hides us in the palm of his hand and I just say he said you don’t get old geared up for this thing it’s your everyday life is staying close to him that works and then I looked out at my phone again and then in my door Mark a second time you spoke can you said those who don’t have my power will lose their song that was very powerful to me indeed I because my music had gone away the song the Christmas song had disappeared because the power and the cell phone had died and people who people must have his strength and his ability they must have the strength and power of God in difficult times and a good times as well so what does the phone represent in that picture or in that word well end in that vision to me the song is certainly spoke of hope it was Christmas music Mark and that’s a message about the Savior who has come to the world and because he’s risen from the dead whosoever believe upon him will have everlasting life but he’s also the baptizer where the father has given the promise to his son and now that he has risen from the dead and is defeated hell and death it is here that that he’s given the promise to the son of the precious Holy Spirit to be distributed as Jesus wills upon his people and and that would be the bride of Christ and so this power of the Holy ghost waits for every person who follows Jesus and so when the father was saying those who don’t receive him and his strength then in difficult times your personal song will be challenged and for some you will lose that song some will fall away and the clouds that you mentioned that picture of those clouds they represent what they they represent coming trial difficulty what would you like to put in a fast forward real movie real as it were said I saw these clouds gather and they were small but they begin to tumble and become large quickly and I think it was for my sake that it was quickly because all said in fast time they got big and they came to our coasts here on the west side of of America in real time it was gathering slowly but coming in our direction and we could see them coming our way and many have talked about you know America coming into a a difficult time I think that’s what this represented.

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